[Javalist] JspServletWrapper
aszomor at szomor.hu
aszomor at szomor.hu
2012. Dec. 12., Sze, 10:50:52 CET
Never mind. I found this page->
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/tooldocs/win32/classpath.html and
realized that I needed to add up to the \classes directory to my
classpath. I did that (and changed the jdk directory to point to the
bin and not the lib) and it didn't work. I then found the Tomcat mgr
window (I guess that is what it is called ) by clicking on the file
named tomcat6w.exe in the tomcat\bin directory and clicked on the Java
tab on the window that popped up. I saw that the classpath only
pointed to a bootstrap.jar file in the tomcat directory and so I added
the path to the jdk\bin and to my java classes directory. I restarted
Tomcat (and Apache) and the java compilation error went away.
Idézet (Keresztes Jozsef <jkeresztes at vati.hu>):
> Sziasztok !
> Egy ilyen hibát dob a Glassfish 2.1-es, amikor egy web-alkalmazást
> szeretnék elindítani:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class
> org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper
> Találkoztatok már ilyennel ?
> Mi lehet a probléma ?
> Joe
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