[Javalist] Criteria API - valahogy nem értem...

Gábor Garami gabor.garami at hron.me
2012. Már. 15., Cs, 19:13:05 CET

Koszi. Igazabol most, hogy meg ketszer atolvastam amit irtal, plusz
atolvastam ugyanazt a forrast amit a legelejen, valahogy osszeallt.

Mindenesetre ugy nez ki, a NetBeans-t is sikerult ravenni arra, hogy legyen
kedves felparsolni ezeket a generalt forrasokat, hat meglatjuk, hogy tudok
tovabb lepni.

Nagyon koszonom. Neha csak az kell, hogy megkapjam mas megfogalmazasban
azt, amit mar egyszer olvastam... :-)

Garami Gábor
E-mail: gabor.garami at hron.me
Tel: +36 20 235 9621
MSN: hrgy at vipmail.hu
Skype: hron84

2012/3/15 Viczián István <viczian.istvan at gmail.com>

> Szia!
> "Apress - Pro JPA 2 Mastering the Java Persistence API (November 2009).pdf"
> (Itt van a papíros is előttem, nem warez.)
> A könyvet minden JPA fejlesztőnek javaslom.
> 270. oldal:
> Generating the Canonical Metamodel
> If you choose to use the generated metamodel in your queries, you
> should be aware of some of the
> details of the development process in case inconsistency or
> configuration issues crop up. The canonical
> metamodel classes will need to be updated or regenerated when certain
> changes to entities have
> occurred during development. For example, changing the name of a field
> or property, or changing its
> shape, would require an updated canonical metamodel class for that entity.
> The generation tools offered by providers may vary widely in function
> or in operation. Generation
> may involve reading the persistence.xml file, as well as accessing
> annotations on entities and XML
> mapping files to determine what the metamodel classes should look
> like. Since the specification does
> not require such tools to even exist, a provider may choose to not
> support it at all, expecting that if
> developers want to use the canonical metamodel classes they will
> handcode them. Most providers do
> offer some kind of generation tool, though; it's just a matter of
> understanding how that vendor-specific
> tool works. It might run statically as a separate command line tool,
> or it might use the compiler hook
> offered in Java SE 6 to look at the entities and generate the classes
> at compile-time. For example, to run
> the command line mode of the tool shipped with the EclipseLink
> Reference Implementation, you could
> set the javac "-processor" and "-proc:only" options. These two options
> indicate the EclipseLink
> code/annotation processor1
>  for the compiler to invoke, and instruct the compiler to call only the
> processor but not do any actual compilation.
>    javac -processor
> org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen.CanonicalModelProcessor
>             -proc:only
>             -classpath lib/*.jar;punit
>             *.java
> The options are on separate lines to make them easier to see. It is
> assumed that the lib directory
> contains the necessary EclipseLink JAR and JPA 2.0 interface JAR, and
> that the META-INF/persistence.xml
> is in the punit directory.
> Metamodel generation tools will also typically run in an IDE, and
> there will likely be IDE-specific
> configuration necessary to direct the incremental compiler to use the
> tool's annotation processor. In
> some IDEs, there must be an additional code/annotation processor JAR
> to configure. The generated
> metamodel classes will need to go in a specific directory and be on
> the build classpath so the criteria
> queries that reference them can compile. Consult the IDE help files on
> how annotation processors or
> APT is supported, as well as the provider documentation on what to
> configure in order to enable
> generation in a given IDE.
> --
> Viczián István
> 2012/3/15 Gábor Garami <gabor.garami at hron.me>:
> > Sziasztok,
> >
> > Valószínüleg megint valami alap dolgot nem értek.
> >
> > Olvasgatom a hivatalos JavaEE tutorialnak a Criteria API-ra vonatkozó
> > részét, ezt ni: http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gkjiv.html
> >
> > Azt látom, hogy a tutorial kézzel generálta meg a Metamodel osztályt.
> Erre
> > van valami mód, hogy automatikusan generáljam? Olvasgattam, hogy a
> > Hibernate-hoz van ilyen cucc, meg kulon eclipselink-hez is, ez akkor azt
> > jelenti, hogy minden ilyen JPA implementaciohoz a megfelelot kell
> hasznalni?
> > Vagy van valami generikus is, csak nem talalom? Miben kulonboznek ezek
> > egyaltalan egymastol? Mert ahogy elnezem, ez valami statikus kod,
> > gyakorlatilag ha nagyon megeroltetem magamat, ossze tudok dobni egy
> > scriptet, ami a megadott osztaly kodjabol nemi regexes varazslat
> > segitsegevel legeneralja azt az osztalyt. Vagy van valami mas titkos
> dolog
> > is, amit en nem latok?
> >
> > Elore is koszonom a segitseget.
> >
> > Udv,
> >
> > Garami Gábor
> > E-mail: gabor.garami at hron.me
> > Tel: +36 20 235 9621
> > MSN: hrgy at vipmail.hu
> > Skype: hron84
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Javalist mailing list
> > Javalist at lists.javaforum.hu
> > http://lists.javaforum.hu/mailman/listinfo/javalist
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Javalist mailing list
> Javalist at lists.javaforum.hu
> http://lists.javaforum.hu/mailman/listinfo/javalist
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