[Javalist] to final or not to final + checking

zamek zamek at vili.pmmf.hu
2013. Jan. 31., Cs, 13:33:25 CET


On 01/31/2013 12:36 PM, istvan.ketler at lhsystems.com wrote:
A peldany tagvaltozo lokalis valtozoval valo "eltakarasa" ellen az 
eclipse-ben be lehet kapcsolni a figyelmeztetest, ahogy a this. 
kikenyszeriteset is.
Nalam mindketto be van kapcsolva.

Ha mar itt vagyunk kinek milyen extra figyelmeztesek vannak bekapcsolva? Legalabb elragodunk rajta igy teli hetvegen:)

Nalam (amit nem irtam be, az ignore):

non-static access to static member: W
indirect access to static member: W
Unqualified access to instance field: W
Access to a non-accessible member of enclosing type: W
Parameter assignment: W
Non-externalized String: W
Method with constructor name:W
Comparing identical values:W
Assignment has no effect:W
Using char array in string concat:W
Inexact type match for vararg args:W
Unused object allocation:W
Inclomplete switch cases on enum:W
Switch is missing default case:W
Hidden catch block:W
finally doesn't complete normally:W
Dead code:W
Resource leak:W
Potential resource leak:W
Class overrides equals, but not hashcode:W
Field declaration hides another field or variable:W
Local variable decl. hides another fields or variable:W
Type parameter hides another type:W
Method doesn't override package visible method:W
Interface method conflicts with protected Object method:W
Forbidden reference:E
Discouraged reference:W
Value of local variable is not used:W
Unused import:W
Unused private member:W
Unnecessary else:W
Unnecessary cast of instance:W
Unnecessary declaration of thrown exception:W
Unused break or continue label:W
Redundant super interface:W
Unchecked generic type operation:W
Usage of raw type:W
Generic type parameter declared with final type bound:W
Missing @Override:W
Annotation is used as super interface:W
Unhandled token in @Supresswarnings:W
Unused @Supresswarning:W
Null pointer access:W
ptential null pointer access:W
redundant null check:W

Zoltan Zidarics programmer
PTE-PMMFK H-7621 Pecs, Boszorkany u. 2. Hungary
E-Mail: zamek at vili.pmmf.hu

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