[Javalist] Hogyan kényszerítsünk egy anonymous classt bizonyos dolgok megadására

Peter Verhas peter at verhas.com
2013. Jan. 31., Cs, 13:40:56 CET

Akkor nincs szükséged a fluent API-s bohóckodásra sem?

You can have a constructor in the abstract class that accepts the init parameters. The Java spec only specifies that the anonymous class, which is the offspring of the (optionally) abstract class or implementation of an interface, can not have a constructor by her own right.

The following is absolutely legal and possible:

static abstract class Q{
    int z;
    Q(int z){ this.z=z;}
    void h(){
        Q me = new Q(1) {
If you have the possibility to write the abstract class yourself, put such a constructor there and use fluent API where there is no better solution.

Verhás Péter
peter at verhas.com
skype: verhas

On 2013.01.31., at 13:34, <istvan.ketler at lhsystems.com> wrote:

> Mert a vilagon semmi ertelme nem lenne anonymust a deklaracio helyen lehet peldanyositani ott meg meg a befogado metodus lokal valtozoit is latja (ha final). 
> Sent from my cellular
> Sitz der Gesellschaft / Corporate Headquarters: Lufthansa Systems Hungaria Kft, Budapest, Fovarosi Birosag 01-09-463417
> Geschaeftsfuehrung / Management Board: Peter Sipos
> From: Peter Verhas [mailto:peter at verhas.com] 
> Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 01:20 PM
> To: Java lista <javalist at lists.javaforum.hu> 
> Subject: Re: [Javalist] Hogyan kényszerítsünk egy anonymous classt bizonyos dolgok megadására 
> Miért nem lehet konstruktor paramétere az anonymous osztálynak?
> --
> Verhás Péter
> peter at verhas.com
> +36(30)9306805
> skype: verhas

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