[Java lista] Szeged Eclipse Demo Camp, Thursday, June 26th

Brandon Ulrich bulrich at b2international.com
2008. Jún. 23., H, 12:31:58 CEST

...and for those of you in Budapest, the Budapest DemoCamp will also  
be this Thursday, June 26th at the Ginger Girls Pub in Obuda.

Please see http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_2008_-_Ganymede_Edition/Budapest 
  to register.


On Jun 23, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Frank Gerhardt wrote:

> Hi all,
> this week the new 3.4 version of Eclipse will be released (codename
> Ganymede). The Eclipse Foundation sponsors Demo Camps around the world
> to celebrate this release.
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_2008_-_Ganymede_Edition
> On June 26th there will be a Demo Camp in Szeged, see
> http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_2008_-_Ganymede_Edition/Szeged
> You are all invited to join us at the Demo Camp. If you are working  
> with
> Eclipse, consider give a demo!
> If you plan to attend, please add you name to the wiki or send us an
> email so that we can guess how much beer we will need.
> Kind regards,
> Frank.
> -- 
> Dr. Frank Gerhardt
> Gerhardt Informatics Kft., Adam u. 9, 6753 Szeged, Hungary
> Eclipse Foundation Member
> Registergericht/Domicile and Court of Registry: Szeged, Hungary
> HRB-Nr./Commercial Registery No.:  06-09-010204
> Umsatzsteuer-Id/VAT registration number: HU 13592417
> Geschäftsführer/Managing Directors: Frank Gerhardt, Borbala Gerhardt
> In Deutschland:
> Orplidstr. 17, 70597 Stuttgart, Germany
> fon/fax +49-711-9073963 mobile +49-177-757 8658
> http://www.GerhardtInformatics.com
> --
> Looking for work? http://gerhardtinformatics.com/jobs
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Brandon Ulrich, bulrich at b2international.com
B2 International Ltd., http://www.b2international.com
Tel +44 113 350-2594

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