[Javalist] Job: API evangelist @ Europeana (Hága, Hollandia)

Tamás Cservenák tamas at cservenak.net
2013. Júl. 10., Sze, 13:38:24 CEST

Tudható-e, hogy Karadzsics börtöne milyen messze van a munkavégzés helyétől
(esetleg csak kábé, "hány percre van", autóval, autó nélkül,
városismerettel, és anélkül, GPS és GLONASS segítségével, vagy mágneses
viharban, tehát ezek nélkül -- működő villanyrendőrökkel és nélkülük, mert
a mágneses vihar az elektromos hálózatot is viheti, mezítláb és/vagy
fapapucsban, mindezt permutálva), továbbá milyen látogatási időrend van
abban a börtönben?

Előre is köszönöm,

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Király Péter <kirunews at freemail.hu> wrote:

> Sziasztok!
> Szép kis thread keveredett egy álláshirdetésből, úgyhogy most én is
> megosztanék egyet, a poszt végén igyekezve megválaszolni az olvasáskor
> felmerülhető kérdéseket.
> =====
> API Evangelist
> Are you tech savvy and passionate about culture? Do you understand how to
> turn a cultural organisation into an API based business? Do you see the
> potential of re-using cultural data in apps and web services and can you
> inspire others to do the same? Would you like to travel across Europe and
> work in an English-speaking international team? Then come and join
> Europeana.
> Europeana is a catalyst for change for cultural heritage. We have been
> transformative in opening up data and access to cultural heritage and now
> lead the world in accessible digital culture that will fuel Europe's
> digital economy. We ensure that every citizen, whether young or old,
> privileged or deprived, can be a digital citizen. Through Europeana and its
> Network today, anyone can explore 27 million digitised objects including
> books, paintings, films and audio.
> Our office is based in the National Library of Netherlands in The Hague.
> You will work on a wide variety of European projects together with a
> network cultural institutions and creative industries from all over Europe
> to provide new forms of access to culture.
> What will be the core responsibilities of this job?
> As API Evangelist you will be responsible for:
>     Building and nurturing a community of developers around our APIs and
> Linked Open Data Services, in particular in the creative industries, the
> software development community and the Open Culture communities
>     Ensuring that the Europeana data is being re-used as widely as
> possible, for work, learning or pleasure
>     Continuously improving our product lines, serving as the product owner
> of the Europeana API guiding and prioritising its development
>     Coordinating the "Europeana Labs Network", a series of physical
> prototyping spaces and online tools allowing for the rapid iteration of
> applications reusing and remixing cultural heritage
>     Coordinating the development of an online Lab space that presents the
> consoles, content browsers, app showcases and documentation that would be
> needed for a developer to engage with Europeana material
>     Engaging in hackdays, conferences or meet-ups, speaking to promote
> Europeana data services
>     Performing rapid prototyping to demonstrate feasibility of particular
> ideas and approaches
>     Supporting the creation of business plans suitable for re-users of
> data and content, serving as a user advocate for the re-use community
> What set of skills, knowledge and experience should you bring?
>     A good understanding of the business of APIs and how it can shape the
> strategy of a data driven organization
>     A background in development and experience in using APIs to deliver
> product is a plus together with
>     Experience in designing and developing APIs for use by third-parties
>     A solid understanding of web services and data formats, including
>     A working knowledge of Java plus one other language such as Ruby,
> Python or PHP
>     The ability to execute basic front end prototyping of your ideas in
>     iOS or Android development skills
>     Ability to motivate people, communicate and engage with different
> stakeholders,/li>
>     Fluent in English, both oral and written, including the ability to
> create readable and useful technical documentation
>     Creativity and ability to work well under pressure
>     A robust work experience of minimum of 5 years
>     Previous experience in an international and complex environment
>     Previous experience in the sector of cultural heritage
> What are the benefits?
> You will have a good basic salary, which is in line with the Collective
> Labour agreement for Research Institutes Scale 10, depending on your
> experience and skills. Your monthly gross salary will be between EURO
> 2,512–3,804. Furthermore you will have: 42 days holiday per year, a holiday
> allowance (around 8%) and an annual bonus (around 8%).
> It's also important to know that we are based in the National Library of
> the Netherlands in The Hague, close to Central Station.
> How to apply?
> Send us your CV (in English) with a covering letter outlining what
> interests you about this position to: jobs at europeana.eu
> Should you have any additional questions or require more information
> before deciding to apply, please send us an email.
> You should respond before July 31.
> More about us
> For more information see:
> http://pro.europeana.eu/documents/900548/6e60b1c8-bd7d-4e7b-86bb-cf421ef09341
> [Subscribe to RSS feed]   RSS feed for jobs
> Contact us
> The Europeana Office
> +31 70 3140991
> info at europeana.eu
> jobs at europeana.eu
> ====
> Mint írva vagyon, a munkavégzés helye Hágában, a központi pályaudvar
> mellett a Nemzeti Könyvtár épületében levő iroda. A központi pályaudvar a
> hágai tömegközlekedés gócpontja, majd minden villamos és busz megáll a
> környéken, és parkolóház is van, igaz itt a parkolás (mint Hollandiában
> mindenhol) baromi drága. Ugyanakkor biciklivel is kényelmesen be lehet
> járni, szinte minden utcában vannak bicikliutak, a könyvtárnak saját
> zárható biciklitárolói vannak és szükség esetén egy zuhanyzót is igénybe
> lehet venni. Mi van még? A fizetés feketén-fehéren benne van a hirdetésben
> tól-ig határral (más kérdés, hogy otthonról nehéz megítélni, hogy ez mire
> is elég) és az igazán vonzó évi 42 napos szabadnappal. A csapat nemzetközi,
> a fejlesztők között van görög, svéd, izraeli, holland, skót és magyar.
> Villamossal ki lehet jutni a tengerpartra és Delftbe is, vonattal 35 perc
> az amszerdami reptér, és kb. 50 perc a belváros. Akit mélyebben érdekel a
> dolog, de Javás szemmel is szeretne még tájékozódni, az elérheti a
> forráskódokat, mivel nyíltak. A pozícióról én sem tudok többet a
> hirdetésnél, de bármilyen más kérdésben szívesen segítek.
> A legjobbakat!
> Király Péter
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