[Javalist] Job: API evangelist @ Europeana (Hága, Hollandia)
Király Péter
kirunews at freemail.hu
2013. Júl. 10., Sze, 13:18:47 CEST
Szép kis thread keveredett egy álláshirdetésből, úgyhogy most én is megosztanék egyet, a poszt végén igyekezve megválaszolni az olvasáskor felmerülhető kérdéseket.
API Evangelist
Are you tech savvy and passionate about culture? Do you understand how to turn a cultural organisation into an API based business? Do you see the potential of re-using cultural data in apps and web services and can you inspire others to do the same? Would you like to travel across Europe and work in an English-speaking international team? Then come and join Europeana.
Europeana is a catalyst for change for cultural heritage. We have been transformative in opening up data and access to cultural heritage and now lead the world in accessible digital culture that will fuel Europe's digital economy. We ensure that every citizen, whether young or old, privileged or deprived, can be a digital citizen. Through Europeana and its Network today, anyone can explore 27 million digitised objects including books, paintings, films and audio.
Our office is based in the National Library of Netherlands in The Hague. You will work on a wide variety of European projects together with a network cultural institutions and creative industries from all over Europe to provide new forms of access to culture.
What will be the core responsibilities of this job?
As API Evangelist you will be responsible for:
Building and nurturing a community of developers around our APIs and Linked Open Data Services, in particular in the creative industries, the software development community and the Open Culture communities
Ensuring that the Europeana data is being re-used as widely as possible, for work, learning or pleasure
Continuously improving our product lines, serving as the product owner of the Europeana API guiding and prioritising its development
Coordinating the "Europeana Labs Network", a series of physical prototyping spaces and online tools allowing for the rapid iteration of applications reusing and remixing cultural heritage
Coordinating the development of an online Lab space that presents the consoles, content browsers, app showcases and documentation that would be needed for a developer to engage with Europeana material
Engaging in hackdays, conferences or meet-ups, speaking to promote Europeana data services
Performing rapid prototyping to demonstrate feasibility of particular ideas and approaches
Supporting the creation of business plans suitable for re-users of data and content, serving as a user advocate for the re-use community
What set of skills, knowledge and experience should you bring?
A good understanding of the business of APIs and how it can shape the strategy of a data driven organization
A background in development and experience in using APIs to deliver product is a plus together with
Experience in designing and developing APIs for use by third-parties
A solid understanding of web services and data formats, including RESTful APIs, JSON, RDFa
A working knowledge of Java plus one other language such as Ruby, Python or PHP
The ability to execute basic front end prototyping of your ideas in HTML/CSS
iOS or Android development skills
Ability to motivate people, communicate and engage with different stakeholders,/li>
Fluent in English, both oral and written, including the ability to create readable and useful technical documentation
Creativity and ability to work well under pressure
A robust work experience of minimum of 5 years
Previous experience in an international and complex environment
Previous experience in the sector of cultural heritage
What are the benefits?
You will have a good basic salary, which is in line with the Collective Labour agreement for Research Institutes Scale 10, depending on your experience and skills. Your monthly gross salary will be between EURO 2,512–3,804. Furthermore you will have: 42 days holiday per year, a holiday allowance (around 8%) and an annual bonus (around 8%).
It's also important to know that we are based in the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague, close to Central Station.
How to apply?
Send us your CV (in English) with a covering letter outlining what interests you about this position to: jobs at europeana.eu
Should you have any additional questions or require more information before deciding to apply, please send us an email.
You should respond before July 31.
More about us
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Contact us
The Europeana Office
+31 70 3140991
info at europeana.eu
jobs at europeana.eu
Mint írva vagyon, a munkavégzés helye Hágában, a központi pályaudvar mellett a Nemzeti Könyvtár épületében levő iroda. A központi pályaudvar a hágai tömegközlekedés gócpontja, majd minden villamos és busz megáll a környéken, és parkolóház is van, igaz itt a parkolás (mint Hollandiában mindenhol) baromi drága. Ugyanakkor biciklivel is kényelmesen be lehet járni, szinte minden utcában vannak bicikliutak, a könyvtárnak saját zárható biciklitárolói vannak és szükség esetén egy zuhanyzót is igénybe lehet venni. Mi van még? A fizetés feketén-fehéren benne van a hirdetésben tól-ig határral (más kérdés, hogy otthonról nehéz megítélni, hogy ez mire is elég) és az igazán vonzó évi 42 napos szabadnappal. A csapat nemzetközi, a fejlesztők között van görög, svéd, izraeli, holland, skót és magyar. Villamossal ki lehet jutni a tengerpartra és Delftbe is, vonattal 35 perc az amszerdami reptér, és kb. 50 perc a belváros. Akit mélyebben érdekel a dolog, de Javás szemmel is szeretne még tájékozódni, az elérheti a forráskódokat, mivel nyíltak. A pozícióról én sem tudok többet a hirdetésnél, de bármilyen más kérdésben szívesen segítek.
A legjobbakat!
Király Péter
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